The Problem

We all know that water is the recommended liquid to hydrate the body and top of the bill for health but what are the impacts on performance from over or under consumption.

Another question to understand, is exactly how important is water and staying hydrated to specific physical and mental health.

Hydration Balance and Under Hydration 

Under hydration 2%:

Issues can appear following just a two percent bodyweight is detrimental to cognitive capability and aerobic exercise.

Under hydration3 to 5%:

At a three to five percent deficit, finding have shown to again in aerobic capacity and further cognitive issues.

If you're a sports person, then expect certain skills to be compromised from the cognitive and physical impacts of dehydration.

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    Up to 10 percent:

    If levels dehydration go above five percent, act, as dehydration at this point inhibits vital blood flow that feed hungry muscles especially when active.

    Subsequently performance is jeopardised, with output levels, not surprisingly less than impressive and below baseline norms.

    Drinking too much water

    Something that's not common knowledge is that too much water can lead to mortality. Yes, this actually happens, death by over consumption of the good stuff.

    When some athletes for example drink to excess, Hyponatremia occurs.

    Many athletes have passed away due to hyponatremia. However this doesn't happen with everybody as most simply excrete through sweat and urination or to be blunt, simply pee more.

    Studies into Hyponatremia

    At the University of Cape Town, Professor Noakes found that certain individuals had a predisposition in reaction to the over consumption of water.

    The link? A hormone called ADH that  signals to the kidneys of how much water is to be conserved. Arginine Vasopressin (ADH) is hormone made by the the region in the brain called the hypothalamus and is stored in the posterior pituitary gland.

    The antidiuretic hormone or ADH can be over excreted from the body in certain people as the body can act difunctionally by not signaling the amount of water the body actually needs. Subsequently this leads to overhydration and detrimental issues.

    Increased ADH signals the body to stop flushing through urination or the pee ends up looking a more concerning. As a result, you guessed it, they the drink even more!

    The body is therefore in disfunction.


    Death by water

    For anyone who has the predisposition suggested by Professor Noakes, there's a chance of death as sodium start to diminish, resulting in water on the brain. If you have concerns, it's noting and raising with a physician or doctor.


    Hydration recombination

    So, how much water do we need? Water intake has and always will vary defendant upon environment, activity levels and each individuals own biology. Understand there are warning signs as mentioned, however ensuring adequate intake is critical to cognitive and physical performance.

    The US National Academics of Sciences suggest daily fluid intake for men to be around four liters and interestingly under three liters for women. I assume this is based on average size and weight, therefore makes sense.

    As a last word, use baseline quantities as a target, and if you believe there are any issues, consult a doctor for advice.