Depressing consumption

Is the standard diet or to the point, sugar loaded foods and beverages not only hindering your lifespan but also depressing you along the way.

Alarmingly, Insulin dysfunction from chronically high blood sugar levels may just be destroying your mental health by increasing the risk of depression and anxiety.

Inflammation and depression

Associated with depression, are the over production of pro inflammatory cytogenetics from low grade systemic inflammation.

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    Low systematic inflammation is associated with both obesity and surprisingly over trained athletes. Therefore blood sugar levels and control of insulin cannot be overlooked. By monitoring blood sugar levels, a potential disaster could be avoided in not only steering away from the lows of depressive state's of mind but also for the optimisation of performance.

    Effects that lead to depression

    The insulin dysfunctional effects input into poor sleep, restlessness  and anxiety which impact our mood, and can ultimately lead to depression.

    It can be said that the compound effect with the root cause pointing to blood sugar level control are critical factors in preventing and treating mental health issues.

    The problem and solution

    With food so cheap and the abundance of it, more and more people are being diagnosed with depression each year.

    Simple changes could change your life and cultivate a thrive mentality, free of the mental shackles of depression and low states of mind.